Thursday, May 19, 2011


Raising three children, teaching them God's ways and educating them in academics, managing our home, volunteering at church, visiting with friends, caring for a growing number of pets, making time for appointments, spending time with my wonderful husband, cooking dinner, running children around to lessons and practices, squeezing time in for a little rest. Deep breath.

It's an absolutely wonderful life. I love it with ever fiber of my being. Lately, though I've felt the weight of responsibility, the crush of time, and the weariness of a woman not lingering at her Father's feet.

I began looking through a book I recently purchased for the startling amount of one single dollar. The first pages encouraged the readers to analyze the 'why' of what we do as women. In particular she referred to why we want a clean house. So, I started my list...

...I want to be able to welcome others over at a moment's notice - hospitality.
...A well organized and clean home is warm and inviting - peace & simplicity.
...I want to be a good steward of what we have been given - stewardship.
...God has given me this work and blessed it - calling & design.
...When my home is put together, I feel free to enjoy my sweet family - joy.

As I looked at the list and the labels I gave each item, my heart rested on Proverbs 31. There is something bigger going on here than a clean house. Who I am in Christ touches on every aspect of my life. When I am abiding in Him, dwelling in His presence, listening to the Spirit, rejoicing in every trial and blessing, and seeking Him the why of everything I do is to glorify Him.

Today I really needed to be reminded of that bigger view of life. It just simply is not about me at all. The moment I lose sight of that, I've lost sight of God.

Father, as I clean my house, love my husband, teach our children, work, laugh, and play, help me to glorify You. When I feel weary and worn out, help me to cast my eyes upon the author and finisher of my faith and glorify You. On the days when everything is hard, give me joy in You and show me how to glorify You. On the days when everything is laughter and sunshine, may I give you the glory. Teach me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength so that in all things You will be glorified. Amen